Puzzled ASD
The Conversation Starts Here
Puzzled ASD is your virtual portal into a world of endless learning and discovery opportunities. Our Parenting Forum is a community full of curious people from around the world who are ready to help out with tools and ideas about caring for special needs Children. Start by clicking on a post that interests you, and start participating today.
Special Needs Tools
We’re always browsing the web for the latest news, tools and updates. Here you’ll find a collection of the most recent articles and resources for educators, caregivers and parents of Special Needs Children. The information provided is obtain from professionals, caregivers, teachers and parents just like you, so check back often for great new stories.

The More You Know
The more we know the less we don't. Find tips on how to care, interact or just assist a child or parent with special needs.
Helpful Products and Services
Find products, services and techniques that will assist you to make life adaptable for your special child/children.